Tuesday, 13 September 2011


If you just want to browse my edits, I have heaps lying around my Facebook albums, so here is the link to my Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/vampant
But if you want more specific direction to Photoshop albums, look at the links below.

Ok, here is a link to an album on my Facebook from when I first began using Photoshop )or at least when I started putting them on Facebook): http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1972850954920.112915.1052410197&l=e8594153bf&type=1

Here is another of my Facebook albums (some photos in this are just normal photos): http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1995950012382.114299.1052410197&l=490714948e&type=1

And another:

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Flying Monk 2

Once again, more 'entries' for this competition for designing a logo for my friend's YouTube account (Flying Monk Studios).

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Random Edits

Group Performance Drama Posters

These are some posters I made for the Group Performances for my HSC Drama class. The first one is the final one for the group that I was in, the other 2 are edits of it and the 4th picture is my first attempt (before getting a photo of us in costume with out facepaint). And the 5th picture was of the other group. From all the feedback we got, the performances went really well too. =)

Flying Monk

A friend of mine posted on his Facebook for some people to try and make a logo for a Youtube channel he has made. Following the title of "Flying Monk Studios" I have created the first image, and the following ones are just edits of the first. Hope you like them Ellis =P